Meredith and Alex
Dear Uma, my exclusively breastfed 22 week old son is healthy, happy, and at the 90th percentile in weight and it's all because of you. I cannot thank you enough for all your support, guidance, and patience. I don't know what I would have done without you!
Meredith & Alex
Uma, I am happy enjoying my postnatal experience, and it is all thanks to you. I still remember your words when I visited you before giving birth the 2nd time, you said “forget about anything that happened before, this is a new pregnancy, a new experience and we will take it day by day” and so we did. You helped me tackle every challenge I came across, you gave me all the support and confidence I needed. Now, I am proud to be breastfeeding exclusively. My baby is happy and growing big. I am grateful for the wonderful experience I got to enjoy, thanks to you! All my love to you.
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Lyndsey, Steve and Maximus
A huge thank you for your support. I was so close to giving up breastfeeding and felt extremely vulnerable. Isa & Judith helped diagnose my baby’s tongue tie. Without your team we would not have continued our breastfeeding journey. I sit at 3am in the mornings and enjoy feeding my little boy now. He looks up at me with milk dribbling from his mouth smiling, precious moments that I'd not have experienced without your support. The Daddy massage classes have been a fabulous time for my husband & Maximus to bond. You all provide such a wonderful support to families. Thank you, you are amazing ladies.
Lyndsey, Steve and Maximus
Martha Harrington
Sincere thank you to Judith who came to my home to help me with breastfeeding when my son was 5 days old. I’d been getting quite negative comments about breastfeeding and was feeling very low and about to give up but Judith made me feel so positive about it. While its still not easy, we are now much more settled and he is feeding well, surpassing his birth weight at 10 days and no longer fitting his new born clothes. I would have given up had it not been for the visit, so thank you
Martha Harrington