Refresher Childbirth Preparation Course
Clarify your questions, help to put your mind at ease and develop a pregnancy plan
ONE group sessions held on a monday evening
$380 per couple
This refresher antenatal course will provide you with updates and key information to prepare you for the birth process and in feeding your baby.
Our antenatal course is skillfully designed to provide you with comprehensive information and preparation before the birth of your baby. Our up-to-date information will enable you to feel comfortable and confident in your birth process. You will feel able to make informed choices about the kind of birth experience you want. Gain confidence and knowledge to ask questions of your doctor.
Our course is facilitated by experienced Midwives or Childbirth educators.
Recommended Start date
Start your course any time after your 30th week. You should try to complete the course about one month before your expected delivery date.
One group sessions of 3 hours each.
You may choose and join any group sessions from our regular Childbirth Preparation course held on Monday evenings.
Course date
This course is customised to your needs so we recommend that you contact our office for your group session dates. Learn whilst creating new friendships with those in the group who are due to deliver at the same time.
Class size
Our group class size is limited to ensure a conducive, cosy and relaxed learning environment. The interactive sessions helps focus your mind in preparing for the upcoming birth of your child and care of your newborn baby.
Our tribe
The social context is equally important. You will meet other expectant couples who are due to deliver at the same time, and create a social network of friends who are about to embark in the same experience as you. Long term friendships can develop from our classes that help to strengthen the support systems for you.
Private classes are also available on request
If you prefer privacy in the comfort of your home or at our centre, we offer a 2 hour private 1-on-1 refresher course customised by our Midwives or Childbirth educators to suit your specific requirements. Please contact our office to discuss your needs and pricing.
Refresher antenatal course facilitated by experienced Midwives OR Childbirth educators
Includes complimentary:
One Prenatal Yoga session
and Special Discounts:
10% discount on First aid for Couples course
10% discount on First aid for Helpers course
1 x Free Class at Lucy Sparkles Music class for babies
5% discount for Lucy Sparkles music class - first term package only
Course Content
This refresher course provides you with up-to-date information that you need to feel comfortable and confident in your birth process this 2nd or 3rd time around. You should feel able to make informed choices about the kind of birth experience you want. Gain confidence and unbiased knowledge to ask questions of your doctor.
You choose the topics that you would like to recap. The following are structured group sessions delivered at our regular Childbirth Preparation course. You may choose and join any group sessions below, depending on your current needs.
Session 1 and 2: What is Labour and Pain Relief Options & The Miracle of Birth and variations on the normal
Congratulations! We begin our Childbirth Preparation course getting to know each other as a group followed by a brief summary of the antenatal period. We discuss those all important signs of how to recognise when your labour is beginning and how to determine when to go into hospital. We talk about what to pack in your hospital bag and all aspects of your birth plan, which we will keep referring back to over the next few sessions.
By the end of this session, you will have an overview of all 3 stages of labour, with a more detailed understanding of the 1st Stage, how to cope and the pain relief options available to you in Singapore, whether they are unmedicated or medicated. A short video about epidurals accompanies this.
The journey that your baby makes into this world truly is a Miracle. Moving on from last session’s in-depth explanation on the 1st stage of labour, we begin session 2 exploring and discussing the 2nd and 3rd stages of labour; the actual birth of your baby and options for the delivery of the placenta, while continually updating and adding to your birth plan preferences. This is accompanied by a beautiful short film of a vaginal birth for those who wish to watch.
The second half of the session covers some of the main variations in the birth process, from the Induction of Labour procedure, the differing types of assisted delivery methods and Caesarean section (CS). We finish session 2 with a short film about two women’s CS experiences.
Session 3 & 4: After Birth and Feeding Your Baby & Care of your Newborn
All your efforts are rewarded and your beautiful bundle of love/baby has safely arrived. In this session, we begin explaining the immediate care and checks your baby will receive post-delivery while discussing the importance of skin to skin immediately after birth and the overwhelming benefits to both Mummy, Baby and Daddy.
We focus on Breast feeding your baby, what to expect, how your milk supply changes in the first few days/weeks, how to tell ‘is my baby getting enough’ and some of the common issues that can/may occur. In conjunction with another beautiful short film on Breast feeding positions, your baby’s feeding cues and correct attachment, we have a fun practice with our baby dolls. We also discuss aspects/concerns around going back to work, formula feeding and the safe sterilisation of equipment.
In the last part, we explore how to care and look after your new baby from his/her physical and practical needs to safe sleeping and the ongoing support available for both yourselves as new parents and your baby.
During the fun practical part of this session, you will all have the opportunity to practise holding, burping, bathing and learning how to swaddle a baby with our baby dolls as well those all important diaper changes; a fun end to 4 sessions for both our group of soon to be parents and facilitator.
Contact our office for refresher course dates.
Once you have your refresher session dates, you can proceed to book and pay online.
At the beginning of your 2nd trimester (between the 13th to 27th weeks).
Yes, we will have happy to accommodate your wish for a Private Refresher course. Just let our team know when you contact us to set the 2 hour Private Refresher course date and discuss the special pricing.
The preference is to do the Active Birth class in the 3rd trimester between the 28th to 40th weeks as the techniques you learn will be beneficial in late pregnancy. Please refer to the website for dates and pricing.