Mary Poppins Conscious Nanny Training

Mary Poppins Conscious Nanny Training

(for helpers & caregivers)

This course in held over 2 sessions and is designed for your caregiver / helper / baby-sitter to understand the importance of connecting with your children in a positive way and follow the style of education your approve.

It is facilitated by a Counsellor Specialising in family and parenting guidance.

$320 for each helper

This training will give a full picture to your caregiver / helper / baby-sitter of the parenting style you want for your children and she will receive a Conscious Nanny Training Certificate at the end of both courses.



Maguelonne Rousseau

Counsellor, Family and parenting guide and sleep talk for children consultant

When should you have the class?

For all caregivers of children from the ages of 0 to 12 years


3 hour group class in 2 sessions



  • 2 sessions of Mary Poppins Conscious Nanny Training

Course Content:

  • Play is an important part of any caregivers tools’ box. It is what builds up connection and helps children to discover the world and get agood sense of their bodies and emotional selves.

    The class is about building connection between helper and child while respecting a child's developmental needs and natural abilities while supporting a child's spirit and natural sense of exploration.

    1. The importance of free play

    2. How to communicate during play so the child will discover her /his strength and build resilience.

    3. How to play in a supportive and constructive way that will help a child to develop strong self-esteem and build confidence.

    4. What is important : communication, safety, different areas of development, games supporting sensory development

    5. How to combine work and play

  • In this module your helper will learn how to stay connected and loving in more challenging situations, but also how to help your children follow necessary instruction, safety measures and guidelines. She will also learn how to communicate to and support your child through difficult emotional times, to pick up on distress and not confuse distress with being "naughty".

    1. The importance of conscious discipline

    2. How to support them when they are scared, angry, sad, etc.

    3. How to make them more cooperative

    4. Managing her own emotions

    5. Hands on advice on tantrums and positive discipline and support during distress situations

    6. How to communicate with the parents to build trust.

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