Care of the Newborn
2.5 hour session for parents to learn essential skills and knowledge for caring for your new baby.
$290 for a 2.5hr session
Caring for a newborn can be a rewarding but challenging experience, especially for first-time parents. This is taught by experienced medical professionals and midwives. This course equips new parents with the essential skills of diapering, bathing and soothing the brand new baby. It provides parents with confidence to handle their babies with ease and comfort.
When should you have the session?
This session is best done before the baby arrives - as early as pregnancy week 28 or as soon as the baby has arrived.
2.5 hour session
What does this course cover?
Feeding - breastfeeding/ bottlefeeding / making formula safely
Diapering - preventing nappy rash
Bathing and Hygiene
Umbilical cord care
Sleep - safe sleep
Comforting Techniques - burping techniques / soothing
Recognising health concerns
Emotional Support for parents
The Care of the Newborn is already part of the Intensive Childbirth and the Childbirth Prep courses taught at Mother & Child. This course is specifically catered to parents who may have already attended a prenatal course elsewhere and are keen on learning more about this.
Contact our office for an appointment.
Once you have your appointment date, you can proceed to book and pay online.